When brothers Stefan and Achim Reifer took over their family’s small woodworking business in Northern Italy in 2015, they were not interested in producing nostalgic designs. The output of F.LLI REIFER CUSTOM in the years since has indeed been forward-thinking, and that is perhaps on display more than ever in their latest offering: Mizu.
The collection in three styles comprises a set of large-scale sculptural desks and tables in Canaletto walnut, designed by Eberhard Mitterrutzner. Inspired by the natural curvature of wood shavings, as well as ocean waves (“mizu” is Japanese for “water”), the pieces utilize 10 single layers of wood that are bent at a 30-degree angle, a technique that Mitterrutzner developed with F.LLI REIFER CUSTOM.

F.lli Reifer Custom è nato nel 2015, quando due fratelli hanno deciso di prendere parte alla piccola impresa familiare di falegnameria nel nord Italia.
Non soddisfatti di ciò che stavano vedendo sul mercato, furono incoraggiati nel realizzare una serie di interni personalizzati ben accolti in Italia e all’estero.
L’obiettivo è quello di lavorare al limite tra tecnologia e artigianato, cercando di spingere il design in una direzione senza precedenti e di utilizzare il materiale in modo contemporaneo. Dopo un intenso periodo di ricerca e sviluppo è nato Nami, una serie unica di sculture di mobili su larga scala in noce canaletto.
La natura ha svolto un ruolo principale nel processo di progettazione dal momento che si possono trovare molte forme che rimandano alle curve morbide e continue delle onde dell’oceano. Un’esperienza tattile e visiva suprema, aggiungendo valore ad ogni spazio.

Pushing the traditional art of steam bending to the absolute limit, this four-metre-long desk has been made using ten sheets of eight-metre ply, glued and arched to create an impressive workstation. The design flows like a wave to create a seat, worktop and legs, all from a single piece of timber.
Only nine will be made, each one fitted with an electrical connection including power sockets and USB charging ports hidden within a drawer.

Italian furniture company from Brixen in South Tyrol, Fratelli Reifer Custom has handcrafted a large desk out of 10 single sheets of pressed wood. The pressed wood is bent into an organic, three-dimensional shape that becomes a fully-functional office table. The labor intensive MIZU spans over four meters long (over 13 feet long) and is limited to just nine total being made. The surface is clad in a layer of Canaletto walnut for its rich and warm texture resulting in an elegant and fluid piece with ribbon-like curves.
MIZU debuted during Milan Design Week in an exhibition curated by 0XII zerododici, a Milanese architecture studio.

Italian furniture brand Fratelli Reifer Custom is offering a handcrafted desk with a uniquely fluid design. The office furniture is made using 10 single sheets of pressed wood that are bent into a natural-looking, three-dimensional shape. The result conjures Eastern design philosophies, which champion flow and interplay.
Dubbed Mizu, the table is 13 feet long and made its debut at the 2017 Milan Design Week. The Brixen-based brand will only make nine examples of the piece; it may suggest elegant simplicity, but it’s difficult to manufacture.

Beautifully crafted and with an external layer of Canaletto Walnut, the Mizu Table is a vision of woodworking bliss. Created by Fratelli Reifer Custom, in collaboration with eberhardesign, this wooden work of art looks more like an ocean wave than a once-tree, which is apparently what you get when you take 10 layers of 8m length wood, and bend it into a 3-dimensional vision.
The flow of this piece is without a doubt astounding, and combines a solid wood surface into a seat and a workstation, all of which sits upon its own surface.
The grain stands out beautifully in a soft wave of uniformity, twisting and turning throughout this combination furniture piece, fitted with a hidden pen compartment and slide-out storage space, along with a power plug-in and USB outlet within the wooden drawer as well.

Fratelli Reifer Custom -- a premium wood joinery based out of Brixen in Alto Adige, Italy -- and designer Eberhard Mitterrutzner, have created the dazzling and complex MIZU table. The furniture piece, which measures four meters long by two meters wide, is made from just 10 individual layers of wood pressed together and molded into a strange, Mobius strip-like shape.
Bending wooden layers is hardly a new process, but what makes the MIZU table unique is that it is folded through three dimensions. Typically, wood-bending involves folding the wood along a single plane -- imagine a curled scroll, for example. The MIZU table, on the other hand, is folded in two different directions, giving it a fascinating and seemingly impossible shape.

Diseñado por la empresa italiana Fratelli Reifer Custom, este mueble fue presentado en la Semana del Diseño de Milàn siendo un ejemplo real de còmo la escultura y diseño pueden unirse en un objeto de uso cotidiano.
La empresa italiana de muebles Fratelli Reifer Custom ha sumado un nuevo proyecto. Se trata de un MIZU, un gran escritorio de madera prensada que ha sido doblada orgánicamente de manera tridimensional para así convertirse en una mesa totalmente funcional y a la vez vanguardista.